North Carolina Volunteer Miss/Teen Pageant General Information FAQ’S
1. What are the requirements for competing in the Miss North Carolina Volunteer or Miss North Carolina Teen Volunteer Pageants?
Miss North Carolina Volunteer - Ages 17-25*
The contestant's age eligibility requirements are based on a calendar year, not a pageant cycle. In order to meet age eligibility requirements to compete in 2024 State Pageants, a Contestant must be at least 17 years of age on the first day of the State Pageant in which she competes and must not be older than 26 years of age as of December 31, 2024. Any contestant must have completed her high school education. In order to compete in the state pageant, the contestant must be a:
- High school graduate (or equivalent)
- Medical and legal female, never married, not a parent
- North Carolina resident or full-time employee or student
- Citizen of the United States of America
- Able to compete in all areas of competition
Miss North Carolina Teen Volunteer - Ages 13-17*
The contestant’s age eligibility requirements are based on a calendar year, not a pageant cycle, and remain unchanged. In order to be a Contestant in a State Teen Volunteer Pageant, a Contestant must be at least 13 years of age on the first day of the State Competition in which she competes; and must not be older than 18 years of age on December 31 in the year of the State Competition.
- Full-Time Student
- Medical and legal female, never married, not a parent
- North Carolina resident or full-time employee or student
- Citizen of the United States of America
- Able to compete in all areas of competition
Miss North Carolina Volunteer Contestants must be a high school graduate as of the first day of the state competition. If the contestant has not graduated from high school with a diploma, than she must have successfully completed the G.E.D. testing program for high school equivalency or have successfully completed the academic requirements and have an acceptance letter for entry into an accredited college/university degree program for the beginning of the fall semester. Miss North Carolina Teen Volunteer Must be currently registered in a high school in the state of NC.
Miss North Carolina Volunteer- $99
Miss North Carolina Teen Volunteer- $99
Contestants must be U.S. Citizens and either full time residents, students, or employees in the state of North Carolina.
Please complete the online application on the applications page via this link:
Registration fee can be submitted upon completion of the form via the payment link. For other payment options, please contact us at
**Note- In the event the Miss/Teen North Carolina Volunteer Pageant is postponed for any reason, all fees will be applied to the new event date. Additionally, due to production costs and budgetary reasons, if you are unable to compete after July 15, you will forfeit all monies given to the Miss North Carolina Volunteer Pageant.**
2. When and where are the Miss/Teen North Carolina Volunteer Pageants?
MISS NORTH CAROLINA VOLUNTEER (Miss, Teen & Princess Program)
Veterans Day Weekend, Historic Thalian Hall
310 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, NC 28401
Purchase Tickets Through Thalian Hall Box Office:
3. What are the phases of competition and how will they be scored?
Each Contestant will compete in four phases of competition:
TALENT (25%),
The competition will also include an onstage question!
4. How do I submit my application?
All applications should be submitted online via our website.
5. How do I send in my deposit and registration money?
All registration payments should be completed via the link on website:
6. Will Miss NC Volunteer compete at the National Level?
7. I have additional questions, who do I contact?
Please submit any additional questions by sending us an email:
8. What are the responsibilities of Miss North Carolina Volunteer and Miss North Carolina Teen Volunteer?
Each young lady will be an ambassador for the spirit of volunteerism and will be a spokesperson for the Miss North Carolina Volunteer Pageant. Each young lady will represent the state of North Carolina at the National Pageant.
9. Should I be crowned Miss North Carolina Volunteer or Miss North Carolina Teen Volunteer will I have to give up a year of my life to hold the title?
No. The only required appearance is at the National Pageant. Great care will be made so that all other appearances throughout the year will not hinder school obligations. We will work with you and your schedule to ensure a great year while allowing you to continue with college or high school obligations.
10. Are there any additional costs?
Each contestant is responsible for their own hotel, transportation, wardrobe, ad page and other pageant competition related expenses.
11. Where should I stay in Wilmington?
Please contact us with any questions you may have about where to stay in Wilmington:
Miss North Carolina Volunteer Princess Program: General Information FAQ’S
What are the requirements for competing in the Miss North Carolina Volunteer Princess Program?
Miss North Carolina Volunteer Princess Program contestants must be aged 5-12. *Must be at least 5, but not older than 12 years of age on date of pageant in which they are competing.
Girls who are doing the Miss North Carolina Volunteer Princess Program must be currently in school in the state of NC.
Miss North Carolina Volunteer Princess Program has a registration fee of $250.00.
Contestants must be U.S. Citizens and either full time residents and students.
Registration fee can be submitted upon completion of the form via the payment link: Pay registration fee
For other payment options, please contact us at
**Note- In the event the Volunteer Princess Program is postponed for any reason, all fees will be applied to the new event date
When and where are the North Carolina Volunteer Princess Program Pageants?
Veterans Day Weekend at Historic Thalian Hall
310 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401
Purchase Tickets Through Thalian Hall Box Office:
Hopefully, our FAQ’s and website have provided important information about the Miss North Carolina Volunteer Princess Program and the many opportunities it offers and the pageant competition as well. We welcome any and all additional questions. Please contact with additional inquiries at: